Tag Archives: TADHack Open

TADHack Open 2024 Results

Videos Pictures Things have finally returned to pre-pandemic levels, we had 15 hacks submitted from around the world at TADHack Open. An amazing result. SignalWire wowed developers with impressive tooling for its AI Agent. Devs were ‘effervescent’ at the focus on making it easy to use SignalWire. STROLID made it so easy for developers, that … Continue reading TADHack Open 2024 Results

TADHack Open in 1 week

Here are some important links: TADHack Open – website, address for those attending in person, timings, registration, etc. TADS Slack – general questions STROLID Slack – help with STROLID’s resources SignalWire Slack – help with SignalWire’s resources Sponsor’s resources. You can low code your hack, just edit a JSON file. Remember to sign up to … Continue reading TADHack Open in 1 week

Only 3 weeks to TADHack Open!

With only 3 weeks until TADHack Open, this always sets off a feeling a panic in me: the banner hasn’t arrive, we need more hackers, what have I forgotten this year. A BIG thank you for STROLID and SignalWire for sponsoring TADHack Open. The two most important thing are: We have quite a few remote … Continue reading Only 3 weeks to TADHack Open!

Save the Date 23/24 March, TADHack Open 2024

A big thank you to STROLID and The Cloud Communications Alliance for their support of TADHack Open 2024. We hope to add a couple more sponsors and partners over the coming months. The prize pot will get bigger as more sponsors come onboard. Check out this winning hack built for STROLID at TADHack Global 2023, … Continue reading Save the Date 23/24 March, TADHack Open 2024

TADHack Open 2023 Summary

That was an intense weekend! And it continued as we also at Enterprise Connect, presenting the Hackathon Report on Tuesday 28th at 3PM. You can see all the TADHack Open videos here, and all the pictures here. Thank you to Radisys for making TADHack Open possible. And thank you to WebRTC.Ventures for supporting TADHack Open. This is the 10th year … Continue reading TADHack Open 2023 Summary

TADHack Open is this weekend

Just a couple more days and I’ll not be emailing you so often. Well, until TADHack Global on 21-22 October. Thank you to everyone who has registered to take part in TADHack Open 2023. I’m grateful for everyone who is prepared to give their time to show the power of programmable communications using Radisys through their … Continue reading TADHack Open is this weekend

Tips for Competing in TADHack Open

With only one week to TADHack Open, 25-26 March. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of TADHack Open. Before you start The TADHack Open website has links to all the information you need. Registration is on the TADHack Open website. By registering you get access to all the news and … Continue reading Tips for Competing in TADHack Open

TADHack Open is only 2 weeks away

TADHack Open is only 2 weeks away! If you’ve not already done so, please register. Wherever you are in the world you can take part in a way convenient for you, check out the remote entry procedure. We’ll be running the training session soon on the Radisys resources. We have teams from around the world taking part, … Continue reading TADHack Open is only 2 weeks away

TADHack Open is less than One Month Away!

Less than one month until TADHack Open. If you’ve not already done so, please register. Wherever you are in the world you can take part in a way convenient for you, check out the remote entry procedure. We’re proud to be partnering with Ideamart for Women. We hope to see many innovative hacks from Sri Lanka. At TADSummit 2021 … Continue reading TADHack Open is less than One Month Away!

TADHack Open Partners with Ideamart for Women

We’re proud to announce Ideamart for Women is partnering with TADHack Open, 25-26 March. We hope to see many innovative hacks from Sri Lanka at TADHack Open. At TADSummit 2021 we had an excellent keynote on Ideamart for Women. I’m a big fan of what Ideamart has achieved. It’s a country-wide innovation ecosystem, that engages the whole … Continue reading TADHack Open Partners with Ideamart for Women