Only 3 weeks to TADHack Open!

With only 3 weeks until TADHack Open, this always sets off a feeling a panic in me: the banner hasn’t arrive, we need more hackers, what have I forgotten this year.

A BIG thank you for STROLID and SignalWire for sponsoring TADHack Open.

The two most important thing are:

  • The sponsor’s resources are ready. You can low code your hack, just editing a JSON file. Remember to sign up to their resources and start playing with their tools now.
  • If you’ve not yet signed up please do so. This is so I know the numbers and can keep you updated on everything TADHack. For the Enterprise Connect attendees and Cloud Communications Alliance members, there’s really no need to be scared, low code is easy, please sign-up.

We have quite a few remote hackers, which we love as it creates an impressive diversity of hacks.

Here is the link for advice on submitting your hack remotely. If you have any questions please ask.

Good luck, we hope you have fun.