Tag Archives: SignalWire

Thank You for TADHack Open

Thank you to everyone who submitted a hack, we had 15 hacks submitted from around the world. The quality of the hacks keeps getting higher, I was impressed and proud of every hack submitted. Well done! You’ll see some TADSummit Innovator Podcasts coming out soon from some of the teams. I’ll update you about them soon in … Continue reading Thank You for TADHack Open

TADHack Open 2024 Results

Videos Pictures Things have finally returned to pre-pandemic levels, we had 15 hacks submitted from around the world at TADHack Open. An amazing result. SignalWire wowed developers with impressive tooling for its AI Agent. Devs were ‘effervescent’ at the focus on making it easy to use SignalWire. STROLID made it so easy for developers, that … Continue reading TADHack Open 2024 Results

TADHack Open in 1 week

Here are some important links: TADHack Open – website, address for those attending in person, timings, registration, etc. TADS Slack – general questions STROLID Slack – help with STROLID’s resources SignalWire Slack – help with SignalWire’s resources Sponsor’s resources. You can low code your hack, just edit a JSON file. Remember to sign up to … Continue reading TADHack Open in 1 week

Only 3 weeks to TADHack Open!

With only 3 weeks until TADHack Open, this always sets off a feeling a panic in me: the banner hasn’t arrive, we need more hackers, what have I forgotten this year. A BIG thank you for STROLID and SignalWire for sponsoring TADHack Open. The two most important thing are: We have quite a few remote … Continue reading Only 3 weeks to TADHack Open!

Check out the TADHack Open 2024 Resources

Please register for TADHack Open, thanks. The TADHack Open 2024 resources are here: STROLID and SignalWire. I’m really excited for what STROLID and SignalWire have put together. Whether you’re a hardcore programmer, a cut-and-paster like me, or have no programming skills there’s something for you. SignalWire AI Agent Resources This is hot off the press, SignalWire has … Continue reading Check out the TADHack Open 2024 Resources

TADHack Open 2024 Resources

Please register for TADHack Open, thanks. The TADHack Open 2024 resources are nearly there, check out STROLID‘s and SignalWire‘s. I’m really excited for what STROLID and SignalWire have put together. Whether you’re a hardcore programmer, a cut-and-paster like me, or have no programming skills there’s something for you. STROLID vCon Resources STROLID’s resources are almost there, here’s … Continue reading TADHack Open 2024 Resources

SignalWire Sponsors TADHack Open 2024

I’m proud to announce SignalWire is the latest sponsor of TADHack Open, running the weekend before Enterprise Connect, and during the conference with a session dedicated to the winners of TADHack Open. SignalWire are the sponsors of FreeSWITCH, the free and open source project behind most companies in the programmable communications industry. SignalWire means developers focus on their idea instead … Continue reading SignalWire Sponsors TADHack Open 2024