Tag Archives: Collaborative Design Center

TADHack-mini Orlando will be running online for 2020

A short post just to confirm TADHack-mini Orlando will be running on the 28-29 March online only. Valencia College will now be closed until April, just found out a couple of hours ago, there will be no in-person location this year, but we will be operating online as always. get antabuse I covered the remote … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando will be running online for 2020

TADHack Spotlight at Enterprise Connect 2019

On Monday at Enterprise Connect 2019 some of the TADHack-mini Orlando 2019 winners presented their hacks to the EC19 attendees.  Here is a summary of the TADHack-mini Orlando, which was made possible by Flowroute, Telesign and VoIP Innovations. We received great feedback from the audience on how impressed they are in what can be achieved … Continue reading TADHack Spotlight at Enterprise Connect 2019

TADHack-mini Orlando 2019 Summary

TADHack-mini Orlando 2019, held at Valencia College’s Collaborative Design Center, was an impressive hackathon. Thank you to Flowroute, Telesign, and VoIP Innovations for making TADHack Orlando 2019 possible. And a big thank you to all the teams in Orlando, Austin and Belgium who took part. You can see the pictures from the event here. And … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando 2019 Summary

TADHack-mini Orlando 16-17 March at Valencia College Collaborative Design Center

We’re back in Orlando, for a fun weekend hacking on Flowroute, Apidaze & VoIP Innovations. We recommend you sign-up to their free accounts and have a play. You’ll get the best possible training in programmable telecoms from the people that built the platforms. This is a unique opportunity. This hackathon takes place just before Enterprise … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando 16-17 March at Valencia College Collaborative Design Center

TADHack-mini Orlando 2018 Review

TADHack-mini Orlando 2018, held at Valencia College’s Collaborative Design Center, was roughly double the size of last year by number of developers on site, with close to 80 people over the 2 days. I limited the number of sponsors this year to ensure each sponsor would have at least 5 hacks on their technology, one … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando 2018 Review

TADHack-mini Orlando 2018 Winners

We’ve just wrapped up TADHack-mini Orlando 2018, held at Valencia College’s Collaborative Design Center. Just before Enterprise Connect 2018. Thanks to the sponsors Avaya / Zang.io, Flowroute, Telnyx and VoIP Innovations for making TADHack possible. I’ll review all the hacks in a later weblog, this just focuses on the Orlando 2018 winners. But everyone who … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando 2018 Winners

TADHack-mini Orlando 2018 Live Streams

We plan to stream TADHack-mini Orlando 2018 live over the weekend for anyone who’s interested. You may be hacking remotely, but you can still feel like you’re working at the Collaborative Design Center at Valencia College in Orlando. Or if you are traveling over the weekend to Orlando to attend Enterprise Connect 2018, you can … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando 2018 Live Streams

TADHack-mini Orlando Webinar 19th February 3PM ET with Valencia College

On the 19th February at 3PM ET we’re planning a quick (15 mins) live webinar to introduce TADHack-mini Orlando 2018, to be held on the 10-11th March 2018 (Saturday and Sunday) at the Valencia College, West Campus, Collaborative Design Center (Building 10, 3rd floor), 1800 S. Kirkman Rd. Orlando. The format of the webinar will … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando Webinar 19th February 3PM ET with Valencia College

TADHack-mini Orlando 10-11 March at Valencia College Collaborative Design Center

We hope you had a fun and relaxing start to 2018 with friends and family.   We’re excited to be back in Orlando for TADHack-mini Orlando 10-11 March 2018. This hackathon takes place just before Enterprise Connect 2018, the largest enterprise telecoms event on the planet. Even if you’re not lucky enough to live in … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando 10-11 March at Valencia College Collaborative Design Center