Tag Archives: TADHack-mini Orlando

ONLY 2 WEEKS AWAY! TADHack-mini Orlando at Avaya ENGAGE, 11-12 Dec 2021.

For those that have already registered, thank you. Please make sure you’ve signed up to the Avaya Spaces Room, details are in the registration confirmation email. AND go to https://accounts.avayacloud.com to create your account. Then send an email to cpaassales@avaya.com with your account ID and that you’re taking part in TADHack. We’ll add a $10 … Continue reading ONLY 2 WEEKS AWAY! TADHack-mini Orlando at Avaya ENGAGE, 11-12 Dec 2021.

TADHack-mini Orlando will be running online for 2020

A short post just to confirm TADHack-mini Orlando will be running on the 28-29 March online only. Valencia College will now be closed until April, just found out a couple of hours ago, there will be no in-person location this year, but we will be operating online as always. get antabuse I covered the remote … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando will be running online for 2020

TADHack-mini Orlando, 28-29 March, + TADHack Global Prep

We’re back in Orlando for TADHack-mini Orlando #4, the weekend before Enterprise Connect 2020! You can see what we got up to at TADHack-mini Orlando 2019, as well as 2018, and 2017. What? It’s a hackathon about using the Apidaze, Asterisk, Inference Solutions, Intelepeer, and Simwood resources to solve problems that matter to you in your work, home and community life. A focus for this year is intelligent … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando, 28-29 March, + TADHack Global Prep

VoIP Innovations is back, and brings Sangoma to sponsor TADHack-mini Orlando

We’re excited to announce VoIP Innovations are back sponsoring TADHack-mini Orlando. VoIP Innovations (through the company they bought, Apidaze) has sponsored TADHack since its founding in 2014. This year VoIP Innovations brings with it Sangoma, who bought them in 2019. What’s really cool is Sangoma have 2 prizes this year. One $1k pot for hacks … Continue reading VoIP Innovations is back, and brings Sangoma to sponsor TADHack-mini Orlando

TADHack 2020

We have 3 hackathon dates planned for TADHack 2020. TADHack-mini Phoenix with Avaya ENGAGE 2020, 1-2 February 2020 Prize Pot of $15k to be shared across 3 prize categories. Winners also get access to Avaya ENGAGE and can attend the Avaya Welcome Party immediately after the hackathon (featuring a Big Game) at Chase Field, in downtown Phoenix, about … Continue reading TADHack 2020

Less than 2 weeks we’ll be meeting at TADHack-mini Orlando 2019

In less than 2 weeks we’ll be meeting at TADHack-mini Orlando 2019. We kick everything off at 10AM Saturday 16th March. The address, map, agenda, developer resources from Flowroute, Telesign, and VoIP Innovations are all on this page https://tadhack.com/2019/mini-orlando. We recommend you sign up to all the developer resources before the weekend, but its not … Continue reading Less than 2 weeks we’ll be meeting at TADHack-mini Orlando 2019

What’s the point of TADHack-mini Orlando?

“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein. The point of TADHack-mini Orlando is to provide experience and hence real knowledge in the domain of programmable telecoms. Telecoms is now democratized so anyone can program with it. You can add programmable voice, calling, text messages (SMS and IM), audio and video messages, video calling, … Continue reading What’s the point of TADHack-mini Orlando?

Code for Orlando Challenges for TADHack-mini Orlando

Code for America is a network of people making government work for the people, by the people, in the 21st century. They are a non-partisan, non-political organization that brings technical talent to civic service that doesn’t naturally attract enough of it. The organization began by enlisting technology and design professionals to work with local governments … Continue reading Code for Orlando Challenges for TADHack-mini Orlando

Khalid Hoffman on Wake Up Call

Khalid Hoffman received the Most Innovative Cisco Spark / Tropo Prize at TADHack Global Orlando in October 2016 for his hack Wake Up Call. In this weblog Khalid reviews his hack to provide more info on how it came about and how he built it. BTW we’ll be running a TADHack-mini Orlando in March, just … Continue reading Khalid Hoffman on Wake Up Call

TADHack-mini Orlando 25-26 March

Happy New Year! Its just 80 days until our first mini-hackathon of 2017, TADHack-mini Orlando at Catalyst Spaces on 25-26 March. We’ll also have a meetup on the evening of the 24th March (6-8pm) to help people form teams and network before the hackathon. Then on Saturday we’ll hit the ground running. With this hackathon … Continue reading TADHack-mini Orlando 25-26 March