Tag Archives: madrid

TADHack Winners: The Satellites

Congratulations to every team that contributed to TADHack, we’re going to promote you and your work. Saturday ended up being an intense day.  It is fair to say the judges in Madrid were shell-shocked by 5PM by the volume and quality of the hacks. Here is the playlist of all the winners.  This weblog focused … Continue reading TADHack Winners: The Satellites

TADHack Countdown and the TADHack YouTube Channel

We’re nearly there! Just over one week to go and telecom application developers from around the world will gather to learn, share, code and create! TADHack is a global event with centers in Madrid, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Malaysia, India, the US, and your own home (for remote entries). We have requests to run satellites next … Continue reading TADHack Countdown and the TADHack YouTube Channel

Ubuntu / Canonical is Latest TADHack Sponsor

Canonical have just confirmed as the latest TADHack (Telecom Application Developer Hackathon) sponsor. At TADSummit last year Maarten Ectors presented how Ubuntu and Juju Charms enable new telecom services to be launched in minutes; the presentations are here, and the video from the developer sessions is shown below.  At TADHack developers will be able to … Continue reading Ubuntu / Canonical is Latest TADHack Sponsor

Welcome to TADHack

TADHack (Telecom Application Developer Hackathon) is a global event, created and driven by the grassroots of the industry to help developers discover the latest ways to add communications to their application, services and business processes. And compete for $20k in prize money. It is unique because it brings together all relevant telecom application development tools … Continue reading Welcome to TADHack