Third Space Learning by Steev Goodwin

third space learningThird Space Learning aims to make specialist one-to-one numeracy tuition available to as many children as possible, in a format that is directed by Teachers. To achieve this we have taken a global approach to maths talent; recruiting and training Maths graduates from one part of the world, to help teach students in another.

We do this by moving the teaching platform online, with our virtual classroom. At the time of the session, both tutor and student log on to their own accounts and are introduced to the platform. This platform contains live voice chat (through WebRTC), text chat (similar to IRC), and a whiteboard (HTML5).

You can see an overview here:

Our plans (for which we need more developers – HINT!) are to include recognition and analysis of the voices to see who’s talking more often, and on what subjects. By understanding the words and sentiment spoken, we hope to understand how much learning took place.

We also plan on creating some statistical models of the voice and data traffic, to help understand the myriad networks in use, within schools across the country.

<Editor’s note. Steev (@MarquisdeGeek) will be at TADHack Lisbon working on mashing up Third Space Learning with all the developer resources available and recruiting :)>