At TADHack last year I mentioned an aspect of the winning teams was diversity. The teams included product people, user experience people, and programmers. And there was also diversity in the sexes, here are some examples:
- Famous4Money with Jairo Canales, Francisco, Sergio, Mar, and Natalia
- WhatsPeer with Luis, Maria and Alex
- SuperStreamer with Arjun and Ella
- Big Markets for Micro Companies (Multi e-store/sales externalization)) by Yessica and her team.
People who had never taken part in a hackathon, like Vince from Dialogic, thinking hackathons are for the hardcore programmers, discovered they have all the necessary skills to take part, have fun, and win.
We saw at TADHack-mini London people who are not programmers joining in and winning, such as Sebastian from T-Mobile. The platforms have become so easy to use, plus its a collaborative effort, everyone pitches in to help create the hacks. The sponsors are there to help you.
Some of the benefits of taking part in TADHack include:
- Students can showcase their talent to innovative companies, and do land some sweet jobs. Just today Cisco bought Tropo, one of TADHack’s sponsors. Last year Comverse bought Solaiemes a 2014 sponsor. TADHack is backed by innovative leading edge companies, great places to start your career.
- For those working in a business, it really doesn’t matter what business you’re in, at TADHack you can see how telecom technologies can improve your business. Uber and Airbnb have created billion dollar businesses using these capabilities – copy their lead before someone else does and starts disrupting your business.
- For those working in telcos and also their vendors TADHack enables you to see first hand how all the cool technology and platforms are transforming service creation. You do not need to wait years and spend millions, its hours and most of it is open source software. TADHack is the best and most fun 2 days of training you’ll get this year! If you’re in the telecoms business you should be taking part in TADHack.
- And yes, there is $35k in prizes. So you have fun, free food, meet cool people, hack, and a good chance at winning some cash.
TADHack’s tagline is learn, share, code, create; networking and learning are what most people get out of the event. Coding is collaborative, people help each other. At TADHack-mini London I gave props to Igor, CTO at LyteSpark, who did a great job helping several projects.
Our approach with TADHack is very simple, by helping people be successful in using telecom capabilities, we in turn help the sponsors be successful. Come join us in person in Bangladesh, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Colombo, Dublin, Israel, Istanbul, Jaffna, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Melbourne, and Raleigh. Or take part remotely, we’ll be streaming the event on both days via YouTube, and I’m sure there will be Meerkat and Periscope streams running as well.
Also a big thanks to: Apidaze, Bandwidth, Dialogic, Ericsson, Forge by Acision, hSenid Mobile, IIT RTC, Intel, Matrix, NDRC, Oracle, Telestax, Tropo, Truphone, UCL, UPM, and the many partners who have made TADHack possible. TADHack is for Everyone!