Circuit by Unify at TADHack Paris

circuit by unifyUnify, a leading provider of communication software and services, is glad to introduce TADHack developers to Circuit by Unify, an enterprise WebRTC based team communication and collaboration service. Developers can explore a wide range of cPaas (collaborative Platform-as-a-Service) use cases and Circuit APIs by accessing a free sandbox via the community pages.

We have two sets of APIs, which offer a variety of integration scenarios.

  • First, you can integrate your apps and services into the Circuit collaboration platform so that your customers can access capabilities and data you provide within Circuit’s business collaboration context.
  • Second, we expose Circuit WebRTC real-time capabilities like voice, video or chat through standard APIs. So you, our technology partners, independent software vendors, or corporate developers can enhance your web apps, mobile apps, CRM- or ERP systems with a minimum development effort.

Basically, the Circuit cPaaS can consume business logic from any existing legacy or cloud resource, as well as provide real time services to anything else.

On the Circuit developer community website you can find the following resources:

  • cPaaS use cases: Collection of blog posts about use cases of a collaborative PaaS, helping developers navigate the different sets of APIs
  • APIs: Access to the Circuit API portal with REST, Javascript APIs, and a Node module. More mobile SDKs will follow soon.
  • Interactive testing of Javascript and REST APIs. The APIs are currently holding hundreds of calls already and enable external developers – it‘s all ready to start.
  • Samples: Links to examples stored on GitHub or CodePen.
  • Sandbox: Information on your free developer account on, where you can try your new code or point APIs to.
  • Videos: Links to YouTube tutorials and developer webinars

All bookmarks for your overview:

  1. Dev Community – Register here first to get an account for the Sandbox
  2. Client JS SDK Doc
  3. Client JS SDK Samples
  4. NodeJS SDK Doc
  5. NodeJS SDK Samples:
  6. REST API & Doc:

Looking forward to meeting you at TADHack Paris on 12/13 December, and helping you realize your ideas on Circuit by Unify with the chance to win $1k in prize money 🙂

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