Thank you to everyone who submitted a hack, we had 15 hacks submitted from around the world. The quality of the hacks keeps getting higher, I was impressed and proud of every hack submitted. Well done! You’ll see some TADSummit Innovator Podcasts coming out soon from some of the teams. I’ll update you about them soon in … Continue reading Thank You for TADHack Open →
TADHack ( is the largest and longest running hackathon focused on programmable communications / telecoms. Since its founding in 2014, TADHack has always been hybrid, you can take part in-person or online. At TADHack you’ll learn about important new technologies, share your hack and skills with the world, and potentially create a solution to an … Continue reading Announcing TADHack Global, 21-22 October 2023 →
Learn, Share, Code, Create!