TADHack (tadhack.com) is the largest and longest running hackathon focused on programmable communications / telecoms. Since its founding in 2014, TADHack has always been hybrid, you can take part in-person or online.
The purpose of this note is to remind you to save the dates (21-22 Oct, please add them to your calendar) and let you know the developer resources are coming soon. With Stacuity we’ll have SIMs to distribute, we’ll ask you to check out the dev resources sooner this year to ensure the SIMs get to people who need them before the hackathon starts.
At TADHack you’ll learn about important new technologies, share your hack and skills with the world, and potentially create a solution to an important problem that could become your side-hustle or even main job, like many other TADHackers. This is our 10th year of TADHack, we guarantee you’re going to have fun!
To win cash prizes you must hack on the global sponsors’ technologies. This year we have:
* STROLID. vCon is the new global standard, a ‘PDF for conversations’;
* Stacuity. Mobile connectivity for IoT;
* Jambonz. Open source voice platform; and
* Radisys. An amazing drag and drop development platform, for loads of resources including communications, speech recognition, natural language processing, and video analysis.
Solve problems that matter to you in your home, work or community life using the global sponsors’ technologies. Please mash-up the sponsors to increase your chances of winning!
We have many old and new in-person locations. For example, TADHack Sri Lanka run by hSenid Mobile and Ideamart has been with us since the first TADHack in 2014; TADHack Colombia run by Yeapp is a powerhouse of innovation.
New for this year we’re working with Africa’s Talking, we have 5 in-person locations around Africa including: Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Kaduna, Kampala and Lagos. Plus Africa remote for the rest of the AT Community. African registrations are leading the world!
All the hacks are judged for the prize pot. The global sponsors’ decide how to distribute their prize money, the guidance is to share the love (prize money) across all locations / regions.
Check out the ‘Choose your location’ section on the TADHack landing page, click on the location you plan to attend, and then on the specific location page click on the register button. If there is no location close by, click on Global Remote and register. You’re now on the TADHack Global 2023 list!
The Location page will contain the address, schedule, and other important information about the specific location (coming soon). Your chances of winning are the same regardless of where you register.
Best Regards,
Alan Quayle, Founder TADHack
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