Thank you to the world-class team at hSenid Mobile for making TADHack Sri Lanka 2022 powered by ideamart possible. Sri Lanka is an “original cast member”, there at the launch of TADHack in 2014. Every year Sri Lanka demonstrates its impressive talent to the world, by mashing up the ideamart APIs with the global sponsors.
It’s lovely to see the progress of the people involved in TADHack Sri Lanka and the expansion of the event:
- We’ve tracked the progress of Ruwan and Extrogene, who created Offer Hut in 2014. See the video at the end of this weblog.
- In 2016 team Siplo (including Wickramaranga Abeygunawardhana) created an online tutoring platform. He went on to found Meetrix.io, a Jitsi development company.
- In 2021 for the first time in Sri Lanka, parallel to the main event, was TADHack Teens Sri Lanka 2021, which was dedicated to school age teenagers from around the island.
- hSenid Mobile not only runs TADHack Sri Lanka, they also run TADHack Bangladesh. You can see some of the logos from those events below.
- And in my opinion TADHack Sri Lanka also does the best entertainment of any hackathon.
Please register for TADHack Sri Lanka 2022.

Here are the Sri Lanka playlists from 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014. And the Bangladesh playlists from 2018 and 2015. Hundreds of teams have taken part over the years, its an amazing parade of world-class talent. Sri Lanka implements a preselection phase before teams get the chance to hack. Well over one thousand teams have applied. Innovation and talent are everywhere!
Highlighting some of the 2021 winners:
- In case of an emergency (ICOAE) by Yasith Samaradiwakara, Isuru Harischandra, Nisan Abeywickrama, Asela Pathirage, and Naveen Rajan. This app enables a patient to use a single button press on their mobile to call emergency services, e.g. 1990 hotline to Nawaloka Hospital. And at the same time a message is sent to a server with the patient’s details such as location, pulse rate, blood pressure, temperature, etc. Emergency service personnel can use our web dashboard to inform the nearest available ambulance and the ambulance driver can track the location of the patient through our mobile application.
- Proktara by Nandula Perera, Suvin Kodithuwakku, Dilhani Gamhatha, Dilan Perera, and Raveen Fernando. We introduce ‘Proktara’ the all-in-one exam hosting platform as a software as a service. Proktara is ideal for any entity which can be an individual or organization who needs to conduct online evaluations, for the benefit of exam coordinators, proctors and students.
- Ayush by Lasal Jayawardene, Chamika Wijerathne, Kirthika Senathiraja, Janindu Pathirana, and Rusini Gunarathne. Ayush is an AI-powered digital stethoscope that helps in the early detection of Respiratory and Cardiac diseases, with help of state-of-the-art Deep neural networks and ML models.
Highlighting some of the 2020 winners:
Eureka Innovations by Jittendran Jude Sajith. A device to track blood pressure etc. Uses the Ideamart and Avaya APIs.
Covid tracking by 501 Implementing (Arshad Aiyoob, Idrees Nafly, Mohamed Izzath, Sidra Mowlana, Shaakira Mubarak). A COVID-19 tracking system. Given over the TADHack weekend Sri Lanka went into lockdown which impacted many teams ability to work together over the weekend was quite timely. Uses the Ideamart and Avaya APIs.
Highlighting some of the 2018 Winners:
- Team Deadline with an app to trace the location of person in danger after calling a particular number or sending an SMS.
- Team Odd Bit Loaders with an app to empower women to combat against domestic violence.
- Team dreamers with an Intelligent health care system.
Sri Lanka:
- Phoenix by Anushiya Thevapalan, Balakrishnan Sathiyakugan, Ajanthasingam Jegasingam, Loghi Perinpanayagam. A solution for all the diabetes patients in Sri Lanka.
- Team Horizon by Sasindu Jayashma, Yohan Dhananjaya, Lasith Madhusanka, Harsha Chathuranga, Sumudhu Sulakkhan. A solution to find a location of a public bus, details and the exact time.
- alphablocks by Achala Dissanayake, Lahiru de Alwis, Manujith Pallewatte. A solution to enable the reuse of document verification with 100% validity.
TADHack Sri Lanka 2014 promotional videos
And finally, here are some promotional videos based on the hacks from the first ever TADHack Sri Lanka in 2014:
Digital Irrigation Automation – a M2M innovation that will change the way irrigation is done in Sri Lanka.
Offer Hut – One stop offer platform earning high revenues a month.