Conner Luzier is a TADHack regular. Check out his hacks from TADHack-mini Orlando in 2018, 2019, and 2020. He’s also presented at Enterprise Connect several times, how many soon to be graduates have such industry exposure!
He’s looking for work, ideally full-time, but is happy for project work to build his references in the industry. Conner has shown his abilities and get-up and go time and again at TADHack. So please get in contact with Conner, thank you.
From TADHack-mini Orlando 2020. TeleQuest (Garrett Curtis, Conner Luzier, Jenn Gibson, Eric Good) – won Apidaze and Intelepeer prizes. TeleQuest is a phone-based adventure game, perfect to keep your social distance while connecting with others.
From TADHack-mini Orlando 2019. SaveMe by Giancarlos Toro, Conner Luzier, Thiago Pereira, Vikki Horn won prizes from Flowroute, Telesign, and VoIP Innovations. It is a secure video reporting app using WebRTC and SMS.
From TADHack-mini Orlando 2018. Polls IO by Conner, Paul, Giancarlos used VoIP Innovations to create a service that allows local government to be be more involved with their constituents and allows their constituents to be more involved with the local government by allow easy opinion polling on new projects, bills, etc. This will also allow the local governments to be able to easily send out updates on new legislature and its progress. This polling service can be generalized to be used for businesses and events. They won the VoIP Innovations prize and t-shirts from Code for Orlando. See their pitch video here, and their slides here, and a video of their demo at Enterprise Connect here.
Here’s Conner at Enterprise Connect in 2019, third from the right.