Best wishes to everyone for 2022! Thank you for all your support through 2021 in making TADHack and TADSummit great successes. TADS is nothing without its community.
With COVID now endemic, omicron running rampant, and governments not changing measurements from general infection rates to vaccinated hospitalization rate. I’m assuming we’ll see big infection peaks through Q1 2022, though vaccinated hospitalizations could be close to flu season. I’m making the assumption based on the previous 2 years that Enterprise Connect will be virtual because most businesses will limit travel until after the omicron peak. So no TADHack-mini Orlando in March. I’d rather save our energy for a massive TADHack Global in Oct.
The plan for TADHack Global 2022 is to run on the 15th and 16th of October, hybrid as we’ve always done. I’ve started the process of talking with the location leaders. If you want to be part of the largest global hackathon focused on programmable communications for 9 years straight, please get in touch!
For TADSummit, I’m going to roll Asia, EMEA, and Americas into one hybrid event in November 2022. The in-person part we’re hoping will be Aveiro, Portugal, but we’re not making a firm decision on that until Q3. This will be the 10th TADSummit, time flies!