Update 7th March: Please note TADHack-mini Hatfield is not able to run. You’re more than welcome to take part remotely from wherever you’re based, register here.
At TADHack our approach is open. We’re focused on developers, technology and creativity. Helping people be successful using telecom capabilities. I apologize for repeating this phrase but TADHack is for everyone.
You may remember Naledi Phafane from TADHack Global South Africa last year, here is just some of the local coverage. Associated with TADHack-mini Orlando we’re running a remote location in parallel at The Fields in Hatfield, South Africa, called TADHack-mini Hatfield (link will be coming soon).
Naledi has arranged a group of 8 friends (aged 13-15) to be part of the organizing team, and her father Pule Phafane is helping make this all happen. You can see Naledi’s introduction to the event below. We’ll have more details coming soon. I’m looking forward to seeing the hacks that are created in Hatfield: creativity is everywhere, telecoms is democratized so anyone can use it, and TADHack-mini Hatfield is a great example! Imagine a hack created in Hatfield, being shown at Enterprise Connect, and being adopted by some of the businesses attending the show. The world continues to flatten 🙂