The purpose of this note is to provide important info on the event. I’ve divided it into 3 sections, common info, in-person info, and remote info.
Common Stuff for both in-person and remote hackers
The schedule is on the TADHack site. You can start hacking whenever you like, the critical time is between 1-3PM ET on Sunday 12th December when you give your pitch. The pitch is your chance to win some of the $15k on offer. The pitch format is:
- 5 minutes maximum, this is a strict limit.
- Introduce you / the team (and team name if you have one)
- Introduce the hack / showcase name and a brief description
- List the sponsor’s resources used in the hack (this is important)
- Explain the hack, can be done through a simple presentation / demo / a little acting, whatever you / the team wants to do.
- In-person hackers will of course give their pitch in-person, remote will give their pitch using the Avaya Spaces Room link received in the registration email. You’ll also use this Space throughout the event.
- For some remote hackers the 1-3 PM ET pitch schedule is late, especially for those in Asia or with family commitments. You can submit your pitch via recorded video to me by noon on Sunday 12th Dec ET at the latest. And I’ll play it with all the pitches. See the Remote Hackers section for details on how to do this.
You’ve got lots of resources to choose from, to win a prize you must use one of the Avaya resources, choose from the rest that work best for your hack(s). Yes, it’s OK to submit multiple hacks.
You can see what’s happening in Orlando over the weekend at the TADHack Live stream. As well as see everyone on the Avaya Spaces Room sent in the registration confirmation.
On Twitter follow @TADHack or @Alan_Quayle. On your tweets tag them and #TADHack @Avaya #ENGAGE @devconnect @subspacepowered @telnyx @redhat @toolwire @googlecloud.
In-Person Hackers
COVID protocol and Check-in
- You’ll need to sign up to the CLEAR Health Pass on your phone, and enter your vaccination records or lastest COVID test. Scroll down to the digital vaccine card, and follow the steps from there. If you’re unvaccinated you’ll need a COVID test within 48 hours of attending the event, so a COVID test on the 10th Dec will cover you for the 11/12/13th Dec. Here’s the full list of CLEAR approved testing locations. For example, any CVS will perform the rapid test.
- Once you clear the CLEAR check you’ll need to sign the waiver, and then receive your name badge. Check-in will be set-up right outside Meeting Room Asia 1, which is two steps from the main event check-in.
Remote Hackers
The Avaya Spaces Room link you received in the registration email is the place to be, you can ask questions, chat with everyone involved, and find answers to all your questions about the sponsors’ resources.
For some the 1-3 PM ET pitch schedule is late, especially for those in Asia or with family commitments. You can submit your pitch via recorded video to me by noon ET at the latest. And I’ll play it with all the pitches.
If you’re going to submit a recorded video pitch the procedue is:
Once you’ve created your pitch video please upload your video to YouTube (if you do not have a YouTube account set it up NOW as it takes 24 hours to be confirmed) AND please send an email with the following info (please include all this info, it is important, thank you:
- Wetransfer URL (so we can upload your video to the TADHack YT channel) or a Google Drive link, YouTube URL (this is a back-up in case we’re having internet problems or are overloaded)
- The team name, the team member’s names, their emails, and if they have them Twitter handles.
- Hack name and a brief description (3 or 4 lines).
- List the sponsor’s resources used in the hack.
- Attach any slides or photos used during the presentation.
If you have any questions just ask, we want you to have fun and be successful taking part in TADHack-mini Orlando at Avaya ENGAGE. Thanks!